Hide & Seek System v.1.2

Traces of Hide and Seek, Interactive Installation, 2024

All human beings inherently possess opposing desires and purposes, yet we often deny this contradictory duality within ourselves. When we experience joy, we resist sadness; when negativity consumes us, it becomes difficult to acknowledge positivity. We tend to categorize emotions and experiences into binary distinctions, but deep down, we recognize that these opposing forces coexist. Over time, we come to understand how rigid distinctions can be both limiting and arbitrary.

This concept is explored through the motif of hide-and-seek. At first glance, the roles of hider and seeker seem separate and in opposition, but in reality, they depend on each other for existence. The seeker’s purpose can only be fulfilled if someone is hiding, and the same holds true for the hider—their role is meaningless without someone searching for them. In essence, each role contains the presence of the other.

In this work, black and white colors symbolize this duality, while each dot represents an individual. The interactions between the dots within the visual system reflect the ever-changing relationships that emerge from human connections. When dots of the same color collide, they absorb the presence of their opposite within themselves, illustrating the fluidity of identity and transformation.

This is not a pre-rendered video but a generative visual system that continuously evolves in real time, creating a unique scene with every iteration. Additionally, the visuals respond to sound, allowing viewers to observe how external influences—much like events in life—shape and alter the points that symbolize us.

exhibited at Creativite, Jakarta, ID

Sound Design | Myungduk Kim

Hide & Seek System v.1.2

Traces of Hide and Seek, Interactive Installation, 2024

All human beings inherently possess opposing desires and purposes, yet we often deny this contradictory duality within ourselves. When we experience joy, we resist sadness; when negativity consumes us, it becomes difficult to acknowledge positivity. We tend to categorize emotions and experiences into binary distinctions, but deep down, we recognize that these opposing forces coexist. Over time, we come to understand how rigid distinctions can be both limiting and arbitrary.

This concept is explored through the motif of hide-and-seek. At first glance, the roles of hider and seeker seem separate and in opposition, but in reality, they depend on each other for existence. The seeker’s purpose can only be fulfilled if someone is hiding, and the same holds true for the hider—their role is meaningless without someone searching for them. In essence, each role contains the presence of the other.

In this work, black and white colors symbolize this duality, while each dot represents an individual. The interactions between the dots within the visual system reflect the ever-changing relationships that emerge from human connections. When dots of the same color collide, they absorb the presence of their opposite within themselves, illustrating the fluidity of identity and transformation.

This is not a pre-rendered video but a generative visual system that continuously evolves in real time, creating a unique scene with every iteration. Additionally, the visuals respond to sound, allowing viewers to observe how external influences—much like events in life—shape and alter the points that symbolize us.

exhibited at Creativite, Jakarta, ID

Sound Design | Myungduk Kim

Hide & Seek System v.1.2

Traces of Hide and Seek, Interactive Installation, 2024

All human beings inherently possess opposing desires and purposes, yet we often deny this contradictory duality within ourselves. When we experience joy, we resist sadness; when negativity consumes us, it becomes difficult to acknowledge positivity. We tend to categorize emotions and experiences into binary distinctions, but deep down, we recognize that these opposing forces coexist. Over time, we come to understand how rigid distinctions can be both limiting and arbitrary.

This concept is explored through the motif of hide-and-seek. At first glance, the roles of hider and seeker seem separate and in opposition, but in reality, they depend on each other for existence. The seeker’s purpose can only be fulfilled if someone is hiding, and the same holds true for the hider—their role is meaningless without someone searching for them. In essence, each role contains the presence of the other.

In this work, black and white colors symbolize this duality, while each dot represents an individual. The interactions between the dots within the visual system reflect the ever-changing relationships that emerge from human connections. When dots of the same color collide, they absorb the presence of their opposite within themselves, illustrating the fluidity of identity and transformation.

This is not a pre-rendered video but a generative visual system that continuously evolves in real time, creating a unique scene with every iteration. Additionally, the visuals respond to sound, allowing viewers to observe how external influences—much like events in life—shape and alter the points that symbolize us.

exhibited at Creativite, Jakarta, ID

Sound Design | Myungduk Kim